Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bengal Bio: Amanda Gomez Mefford

Amanda met her husband, Dean, her freshman year at BYU. He was the RA in the building next door. During the two week break for the 2002 Winter Olympics, they became engaged and were married just after her freshman year. They both graduated from BYU in April 2005, Amanda with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and her husband with a BS in Mathematics. After graduation, Dean accepted a position as an actuary at State Auto Insurance in Columbus, OH. They have two kids, Lucas (5) and Keira (2) that were both born there.

This past spring, her husband accepted a position as an actuary for USAA so they moved to San Antonio, TX. In August, they added to their family with a baby girl named Selena. They love it in San Antonio, the weather is awesome, and they don't miss the cold. It gets pretty hot in the summer, but that's why they invented A/C, right?

They just finished building a house in Fair Oaks Ranch (a NW suburb of San Antonio). It's in the Texas Hill Country, which is just gorgeous. Before moving to TX, Amanda was teaching piano and tutoring math, spanish, various sciences, and basically anything else your average high schooler or early college student needs. As soon as they are all move into their new home, she'll be starting up again.

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