Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bengal Bio: Heather Ballstaedt Chrisman

After graduation, Heather went to UVSC where she got an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration. She met her husband, Joseph, at church where they were both called to be Family Home Evening Co-Leaders. So romantic, right? They were married in 2003. Heather and Joseph lived in Cincinnati, Ohio for three years and loved it. Part of the time they lived there, Heather worked for an immigration law firm as a legal assistant and Joseph attended law school at the University of Cincinnati.

After graduation, they moved to Sidney, Ohio – Joseph’s hometown. Heather now stays home with their three children: Martha (4), Alice (2), and Jonathan (7 months). (As an adventure story: Alice was accidentally born on the bathroom floor at their home, with Joseph playing the role of the doctor, until the ambulance arrived!) They are active in their church and she has been in the Primary Presidency for the past 3 years. Things Heather likes to do these days are watch her kids do anything, vacation with family, read, sew, scrapbook, go to zumba, go out on dates with Joseph, and make goodies.

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