Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bengal Bio: Nathan Sheranian

After graduating from Brighton, Nate attended a semester at the University of Utah, majoring in music (shocker). The following summer, he went on a mission for his church to Hong Kong for two years, where he learned Cantonese. When he returned in 2004, Nate enrolled at BYU and switched his major to international relations. He's currently in his last semester of graduate school at Cornell University, where he is emphasizing in human resource management.

Nathan married his wife, Kristen, in July 2005. They have one hilarious 18-month-old son, named Canon. They are happily expecting another baby to join their family in July.

Nate's career path was atypical. He began working full-time while he finished up his degree at BYU part-time. Consequently it took him forever to graduate. But, he always had a passion for improving organizations at a strategic level and that is what led him to study HR at Cornell University. He has completed two internships with GE and will be joining its leadership development program when he graduates this spring.

Nathan now lives in upstate New York, while he finishes his graduate program. He and his wife have also lived in Louisville, Kentucky and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Although not totally decided yet, he anticipates that his job post-graduation will also be in the Milwaukee area. Before graduate school, Nathan lived in Provo from 2004-2009.

Nathan regrets that he will not be able to attend the reunion this summer. But, hopes that he will be able to reconnect with those he hasn't seen/heard from in a long time.

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