Monday, May 16, 2011

Bengal Bio: Carrie Rosevear Woolley

After graduating from high school, Carrie went to BYU, rooming with Courtnie Cannon, Amber Garrett, Lindsay Sansom, and Molly Wadsworth. Carrie was a violin performance major, traveling to Europe twice and all over the US with the BYU chamber orchestra. She also played fiddle in a few country bands (under the stage name “Bergita McGrath”). After completing her Performance degree, she went on to receive her Music Education degree so she could teach music in the public schools. While pursuing this degree, she met her husband, Russell Woolley.

They got married in June 2006, and shortly thereafter Carrie became the orchestra director at a Junior High in Orem. She taught there until Russ graduated from UVU and was accepted to the University of Michigan’s Masters in Health Services Administration and MBA dual degree program. They spent two years living in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and loved every minute of it. Carrie continued to teach music in the Ann Arbor school system and private violin lessons from home. Russell was then accepted to a post-graduate administrative residency at Poudre Valley Health System in Fort Collins, Colorado, just as they found out they were expecting their first baby boy.

Monroe Russell Woolley was born last July in Ann Arbor, and then moved across the country to Colorado when he was only 4 weeks old. Carrie is now a stay-at-home mom who teaches violin lessons from home in the evenings. Russ has just accepted a job as the Director of Knowledge and Health Information Management at the same hospital in Ft. Collins. Carrie, Russ, and “Roe” love to be outdoors- biking, running, boating, skiing, playing tennis, or hiking, and are loving life in Ft. Collins!

Carrie’s favorite memories from high school are the millions of sleepovers, “decorating” the boys’ cars, dancing at football and basketball half-times, skits in Ms. Lees’ class, drill team Nationals in Florida, toilet papering, barricading, sleeping through Mr. Rockne’s class, John Dong dancing to the Backstreet Boys, running around the football field in our underwear at 2 am and then being spotlighted by the police, and just living a completely care-free high school life. I laugh so hard when I remember the crazy things we did! Carrie’s least favorite high school memory is when the boys had a milk chugging contest in her circle and there were piles of milky barf there for weeks!

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