I have been in the Dallas metroplex since Oct. 2001. I have been married to my husband, Maurice, for 6 years and have three beautiful children. Donavan 7, Dejah 5 and Dominique 15 months. I am a Vice President at CitiMortgage and love my job! In our free time, my husband and I coach 5/6 girls softball, I coach 5/6 cheer, and my hubby also coaches 7/8 football. If that is not enough we somehow manage to make time to swim in our pool with the kids. :)
My favorite memory of high school would have to be seeing the V.P.'s faces as they flew out the door to yell at us for swimming in the back of our trucks at lunch :) *T.Poulson, I am sure you remember this one as well!! LMAO!* I want to say hi to those from my past that have lost contact over the years, unfortunately I am unable to attend the reunion, but know that I am there in spirit! Brighton Bengals 'Till The End!! 

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