Monday, January 24, 2011

Bengal Bios...

Hey Fellow Benglas,

What have you been doing the last 10 years?

That's exactly what we're trying to figure out. As part of our upcoming 10 year reunion, we would like to highlight as many of you as possible on the BHS 2001 Reunion Blog. We hope to let everyone know what you've been up to the last 10 years, and what you are doing now. So, to help us out, please respond to this email with a short paragraph summarizing the last 10 years of your life. If that seems too broad or too difficult, feel free to just answer the questions below. Also, if you would like to attach a current photo of yourself or you with your family or you and your favorite pet, please do so. I'm sure everyone will enjoy seeing you Then and Now! Please email them to

Thanks for your speedy response! We look forward to hearing from you soon.

2001 Reunion Committee


1. Have you finished any more schooling since graduating from Brighton High in 2001? If so, where and in what?
2. Are you married? Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Kids? Pets? Tell us about them!
3. What do you do for a living? Do you enjoy it? How did you get there?
4. Where do you live and why?
5. What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies or special interests?
6. What is the most significant/memorable thing you've done since graduating in 2001?

7. What is your favorite memory of Brighton High School?
8. Can we share your senior picture on the reunion blog?

Also, don't forget to enter your contact information. You can enter it below, or click HERE!

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