Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bengal Bio: Tawni Olson Smith

I met Jason during my Senior year of high school. I was working as a Teller at Zions Bank and he was a client. We dated for 2 ½ years and then he finally proposed! We were married on August 29th, 2003 and started our life as little newlyweds. We stayed in the Cottonwood Heights area, renting a basement apartment, and both working full time. A year later, we rescued a dog from the Humane Society and named him Brody. He is a Black Lab/Great Dane mix and 7 years later, he is still an important member of our family. We also built a cute townhouse out in Draper on South Mountain and absolutely loved living there.

In 2005, we decided to move down to St. George to be closer to my family who had moved there a couple years before. We put the house up for sale, Jason quit his job, and I transferred to the St. George Zions Bank Branch. We lived with my family while we built our house and after 6 months, we finally got to move in!

In January of 2008, we added a new little member to our family. Our first child, a daughter named Stella, was unexpectedly born 10 weeks early and spent time in the NICU here in St. George. It was a very scary time for our family and I quit my job after a 10 year career with Zions Bank. I realized that I had more important duties and somehow we would figure out how to make it work so that I could stay at home with Stella. And after a couple months she finally got to come home! Now Stella is 3 years old and is constantly on the move, dancing, and playing, and singing to the soundtrack from “Tangled” all the time.

Last year, we added another little girl to the family. Saylor joined us on August 13th, 2010 and arrived safe and sound and absolutely perfect. She was born on Friday the 13th and even though that day is viewed as bad luck, in our family, we consider it to be one of the best days ever! Saylor is now 6 months old, has her two bottom teeth, is sitting up on her own, and just started eating solid food. She is a big fan of Sweet Potatoes! She is a doll and such a happy baby. We just love her!

So, life these past 10 years has been great. Jason and I will be celebrating our 8 year wedding anniversary in August this year. We have enjoyed traveling to Laguna Beach, Arizona, Vegas, New York, Boston, St. George (weekend trips before we moved here!) and Maine. We took a cruise down to the Mexican Rivera last year and it was one of the best weeks ever. Jason works at Electrical Wholesale Supply as a Sales Manager and also runs a lawn maintenance company. He plays golf all the time but if you ask him, he isn’t out on the course enough. I stay home with the girls and in my spare time I like to scrapbook and do projects around the house. I sell some handmade items on ETSY and that keeps me busy too. I am trying to get into cooking but it still doesn’t thrill me! It is fun living in the sunshine part of the state and having family right down the street has been a bigger blessing than we ever imagined it would be. Life is good in our household of Estrogen!

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