Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bengal Bio: James Jensen

After graduating at Brighton, I went to the University of Utah. While there, I served as an elected member of the Undergraduate Student Advisory Committee for the Computer Science Department, President of the Student International Game Developers Association (Utah Chapter), and Vice President of the Swing Kids Dance Club.

One day an amazing girl named Liz came to the swing dancing club, and I liked her dancing so much that I asked her out the very next day. We kept dating until after I graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science, and we wrote each other while I served a mission for the L.D.S. Church in Paris. We got married shortly after I got back, and we still act like newlyweds three years later. We now own a beautiful home in West Valley, and have a son who's almost two years old.

I have a great job programming web applications at Truenorthlogic in Sandy. In my spare time, I recently wrote a program to convert library eBooks to the Kindle format. I'm a scout leader and a Sunday School teacher, I drive a minivan, and I've largely given up video games in order to spend more quality time with my wife and son. My daily exercise regimen of Wii Fit Plus has helped me evade the fate predicted by Mr. Jacobs ("You'll be 300 pounds when you grow up: you have no self-control, and you eat like a Shetland Pony"). Liz and I enjoy reading books together and (of course) swing dancing whenever we can get a babysitter. All in all, life has only gotten better since high school!

1 comment:

  1. Oops, I didn't realize these were supposed to be told in third person. :-P
