Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bengal Bio: Hilary Harris Spillane

After High School, Hilary attended Salt Lake Community College where she was a cheerleader for one year. She took her time in decideing what she wanted to do as a career, and finally found her niche in Graphic Design. After working in newpapers, and then an agency in Steamboat Springs, CO, she now works as a freelance designer and photographer.

She met her husband, Johnny Spillane, in Park City in 2005. They were married in 2008 in Steamboat Springs, CO, where they now live. Johnny is on the US Ski Team and competes in Nordic Combined. This past Winter Olympics he made history by winning the first medal ever by a US athlete in his sport and by winning three silver medals total! Hilary has attended two Winter Olympics - one in Italy and this past year's in Vancouver. Not only was it incredible to have such a close connection to some of the athletes competing, but she enjoyed the experience of seeing different cultures and countries coming together as one and cheering for each other!

They had their first child Hadley in August of 2010. She arrived five weeks early, but has since caught up. She is so much fun and they can't imagine life without her. Hilary's other two children are English Bulldogs Maynard and Clementine who keep her laughing constantly. They have adjusted well to their new pooping, tooting and drooling buddy Hadie!

Hilary's favorite memory at Brighton was her junior year as a varsity cheerleader, when the men's Basketball team took state!

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