Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bengal Bio: Valerie Hart Nelson

After BHS, I got my Bachelors in Music from the University of Utah and my Masters in Vocal Performance from Florida State University. I married my husband Tyler in May 2004. He also graduated with his Bachelors and Masters in Voice from the University of Utah and his Doctorate in Voice from Florida State University. While living in Tallahassee, FL for school, we had our son James. He is now 3 1/2 years old, is all boy, very energetic, and has been to the ER for stitches three times in one year.

We moved back to Utah about a year and a half ago and live in Bountiful. We just had another boy in August named Scott. He is a very sweet and sensitive baby, unlike his older brother James, and loves to cuddle. As far as what we do for a living, we sing opera! Yes, both of us - crazy no? We have sung in Utah, Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Chicago, San Fransisco, Virginia, New York, Mexico, and Italy. James has celebrated every one of his birthdays in a different state - it is kinda fun! When we are not performing, we teach. I teach in Park City at an after school music conservatory, and Tyler teaches at the University of Utah and Utah State University, where he is currently the Head of the Voice department. What I remember most about high school has to be Seminary Council, Madrigals, Chess (the musical), Basketball, Volleyball, and hanging out with friends. I hardly remember taking any classes, I mean I know I had to, but I don't remember them at all!

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